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Original music compositions Samples Pg 1

mp3 and Video Samples

(All underlined words are active links  -  opens into a new window)

mp3Newer Signs - Outro solo only
Home recording (2003)
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitars, keyboards and drum programming

mp3Newer Signs - Complete song
Home recording (2003)
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitars, keyboards and drum programming

mp3: Home & Glenn
Newer Signs band live at  The Metaphor Cafe, Escondido, CA (6/12/04)

• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar and keyboards
• Steven Kamada - Guitar
• Larry Posavad - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

VIDEO: Newer Signs Band - Starr Labs ZTAR Demo
Filmed in manufacturing area of Starr Labs (2005)

• Michael Hopkins - Composer, Starr Labs ZTAR
• Steven Kamada - Guitar
• Larry Posavad - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

Newer Signs  "Live" at the Metaphor Cafe in Escondido, CA (6/2/07)

mp3: Song #2
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3: Going Into
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, keyboards
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3: Shak'n not Sturd
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar and keyboards
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3: Newer Signs
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3:Waffle Shuffle
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar and keyboards
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3:Toms Oriental Jam
• Michael Hopkins - Guitar and keyboards
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Composer, Electronic Drums

mp3: I Don't Know Yet
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3: Never In The Light
• Michael Hopkins- Guitar and guitar synthesizer
• Ken Gill - Composer, guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

mp3: Home & Glenn
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitar
• Ken Gill - Guitar
• John Simons - Bass
• Tom Daly - Electronic Drums

Progressive Country/Rock. . . .

mp3: I Don't Know Yet
• Recorded at Moon Production & Recording Studio, Nipomo, CA - early 90's

Tom Gingell - Engineer
• Sal Garza - Drums
• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitars, bass

mp3: Country Ditty
• Recorded at Moon Production & Recording Studio, Nipomo, CA - early 90's
Tom Gingell - Engineer
• Sal Garza - Drums

• Michael Hopkins - Composer, guitars, banjo, and bass

mp3: Goshen Junction
• Home recording (2003)

• Michael Hopkins - 
Composer, guitars, MSA pedal steel, keyboards and drum programming
